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Stay In The Know:

My Bedtime Routine

Here it is, I am aware that my morning routine was very boring indeed, but this is ever so slightly more interesting. Sorry not sorry. I don’t think this is super ‘not boring’ either but as I have already said, slightly more interesting. If throughout the day and I was wearing makeup, at this point I will be taking it off so I can go to bed. Firstly, I get changed into my pjs or sweats and sometimes I do get super lazy and I don’t want to go through the effort of having to pour my micellar water onto a cotton pad and then rubbing my face and repeating the process until all my makeup is gone, so I would instead use the Tzone Black Cleansing Wipes (dammit there’s another damn plug), and then wash my face and scrub it with a face cloth. I then make way into my room and spray the Mario Badescu Facial Spray (with aloe, herbs and rose water) all over my face and my neck to keep it hydrated.

This next bit of my routine changes within seasons. During the summer, I used ‘Argan Oil’ all over my face. Now, this Argan oil is 100% pure Moroccan Argan oil and can be used for the skin and the hair. In terms of the skin, it basically moisturises it and you will wake up with super soft skin and it gives your skin an amazing glow. With the hair, it basically helps to tame it. I have frizzy hair and I do get annoyed with how frizzy it gets and having used this oil, it has helped with keeping it tame and smooth. I bought mine from Holland and Barrett for £7.50 I think and it was worth every single penny (thanks Alisha for recommending it). However, now that autumn has arrived and winter is coming, my skin gets super dry and flaky with the cold weather. Like, we are a couple of weeks into autumn and my eyelids have already become drier than the damn Sahara Desert. To try and overcome this, I have begun to use ‘Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask’. I bought this when Mac were selling a bundle of high street mini products for £20 or so, so I thought I would buy it and if I liked any of them, I would buy the full-sized product. I saved this Origins overnight mask for the colder season for this very reason. My dry ass winter skin. Having used this, it has helped a lot with keeping my skin non-flaky. At this time of year, my skin dries up and you can visibly see the flaky dryness. But this mask truly has helped to stop this happening. It gives my skin the hydration it needs to make it less dry. I tend to use it every two days to make sure my skin is receiving enough nutrients and hydration. I wake up with fresh and supple looking skin.

I swear this one is shorter than my morning routine and I told you all my bedtime one was more interesting. I’m clearly a liar, sorry guys. But I am a fond believer in simplicity is key, because let’s be honest, if you use too much product on your skin in the night, surely it will clog your pores up and you will get spots? I don’t know. I also make sure that I drink at least 500ml of water before I go to sleep because you know, hydration is also key. There’s a reason that when you ask people how their skin got clear and they say water? It’s because water really does help, you just need to keep drinking. I try to drink 500ml of water before breakfast too, I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I do. Anyways, I feel like I am rambling now, I hope you all enjoyed this post, let me know what your morning/bedtime routines are?! Make sure you stay safe and stay blessed my friends!

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