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how i feel knowing you're snooping heheh

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About Me:



Honestly, this is so weird. I'm a 21 year old British Muslim female, I am currently a Manchester Metropolitan University student and I have started this blog because i wanted to try something new. This could go terribly or great. I have always been told I have a knack for this kind of thing and that I would be a good youtuber and stuff but I really don't think I would want to do that so this is what I have chosen to do instead. I've always thought about blogging and clearly, I've finally done it!!


I created this blog late April in 2017 towards the end of my first year of university. I hope that in a few years, I would have created a large following that encourage me to work harder and create better and more artistic content if you will. I've never been the type of person who was talented at drawing, I've always been talented with writing. I hope to one day write a book and/or have my own skin care and beauty range. 


If you're reading this, please go check out my blog posts and stay connected, tweet me and stuff. Have fun, thank you, have an amazing day, stay safe and stay blessed my friends!

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